* Allocate memory for all tag lists and variables. I have used the
      stack for small tag lists (less than 4 tags). An example of using
      stack as a tag list is in GU_RefreshBoxes.

    * Change version in all include files when the revision is bumped.

    * Change all include files when a new tag or function is created.
      The files that needs to be changed is:

	  New functions:
		- clib/gadutil_protos.h		(insert at the end of the file)
		- FD/gadutil_lib.fd	    	(insert at the end of the file)
		- libraries/gadutil_lib.i	(insert at the end of the file)

	  New tags and constants:
		- libraries/gadutil.h		(insert in the right group of values)
		- libraries/gadutil.i		(insert in the right group of values)

	  No changes needed:
		- proto/gadutil.h

    * Write in the most (or all ?) changes in the library in this file.
      Very small changes isn't so important, but things like new tags,
      new functions, bug fixes may be documented here.

    * Write new ideas and maybe short descriptions of how they can be
      implemented in the  Later  node.

    * This file will not be included with the distribution, so it can
      be used to write anything (which has something to do with the
      library) in.

      Some parts of this file will maybe be in the final distribution
      since it documents a lot of tags, functions and bug fixes.

      Well... it seems like it needs to be included anyway... :)

    * Fill in new things to remember when creating new functions and tags
      in this node.

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